Typewriter Calendar

Календарь посвящён 625-летию со дня рождения Иоганна Гутенберга, человека,
который изобрёл книгопечатание. Из месяца в месяц в календаре показаны
различные печатные машинки и авторы, которые создавали на них шедевры.

The calendar is dedicated to the 625th anniversary of the birth of Johannes Gutenberg, the manwho invented printing. From month to month the calendar showsvarious typewriters and the authors who created masterpieces on them. The typography 
was actually created on a typewriter, after whichscanned. The calendar grid 
graphically repeats the keystypewriters and is located in the same place.

Designer: Totskaya Anastasya
Curator: Burdenkova Natalia
University: HSE Art and Design School

Typewriter Calendar